
Office Manager

At Four Bros, I lovingly take care of our entire team. I'll extend the same care to you if you visit us, whether as a guest or a job applicant. You might also interact with me when resolving invoice discrepancies, handling anything related to HR, or if you’re one of our external suppliers.

About Kristy

Before I started in my current role, I worked at a logistics company. However, I felt the need for a change. Then I noticed that Four Bros was looking for an office manager. From the first meeting, I knew I wanted to be part of their team. I hadn’t felt such positive energy and genuine ease from people in a long time. The best part is that this vibe permeates the entire company! 🙂

At heart and soul, I am a traveler. I love discovering new places, especially when they’re connected to great food, and I’m not keen on returning to places I’ve already been. Why? Because there are so many other beautiful spots to explore, whether I’m gazing at ocean waves or breathing in mountain air! I don’t mind stepping out of my comfort zone, and spontaneity is my middle name.

I knew I wanted to be part of their team from the very first meeting. I hadn't felt such positive energy and absolute ease from people in a long time.

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