
Head of Creative

On board with Four Bros, you'll find me at the content-strategy helm, helping clients set the right course across the media mix and achieve their business goals as efficiently as possible. Hand in hand with content, I also lead our Creative Department, where, together with specialists, we create all the creative outputs you can think of—from email campaigns, websites, and graphics to complete social media content.

About Leňa

Unlike some of my colleagues, my path to marketing was relatively straightforward. When I was choosing a university after high school, I knew it had to satisfy both my creative and analytical sides. So, I opted for an economics degree with a subsequent specialization in marketing.

During my bachelor’s studies, right in the first year, I started interpreting international meetings in the field of marketing and commerce for a Czech distribution company. This experience opened doors for me and quickly showed me what strategic management looks like and what marketing and business entail. This was followed by an internship at Plzeňský Prazdroj, which gave me a broad overview but also showed me that the corporate path wasn’t quite right for me.

Between my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, I decided to take a short break and escape to the Alps. Three semesters of marketing in Tyrol gave me insight into services, traditional craftsmanship, and allowed me to work with local brands like Tirol, Salewa, and Ski Arlberg. Combining my professional journey with my love for the mountains was one of the best decisions of my life. I still draw on the experiences and knowledge I gained there. Thanks to this, I later transitioned into freelancing—combining graphic design, copywriting, and strategic marketing opened the door to many more beautiful projects.

During my master’s studies, I was already working full-time, and my diploma from the Faculty of Multimedia Communications at UTB was just a symbolic end to one era. In 2021, I let go of most of my clients and, riding the wave of COVID-19 uncertainties, fully immersed myself in the role of CMO at Svět plodů. Two years of experience in a leading strategic position complemented my years of operational experience but also showed me that to be happy, I need creative work and at least occasionally getting my hands dirty.

After previous external collaboration with the guys, the clear choice was Four Bros. I joined this great crew where I can steer the creative department, combining strategic management with my creative ideas.

See you on board!

I help clients set the right course across the media mix and achieve their business goals as efficiently as possible.

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