

Custom-made sports jerseys and leisurewear for teams from A to Z.

case study

The jersey manufacturer is successfully reaching out to both new and existing clients and is planning to expand internationally.

300 %
Year-over-year growth in organic search
Nearly 100 inquiries have come from Facebook since the campaigns were launched
1,000 CZK
We reduced the cost per inquiry from performance campaigns to under 1,000 CZK

their story

their goal

our solution




The first thing we focused on was performance campaigns on Google and Facebook. Before our collaboration, the Facebook campaigns weren’t working at all, and the Google campaigns were very limited in effectiveness. Their results fell far short of expectations. Therefore, we conducted a thorough review and revamped their settings from the ground up.

Alongside this, we redefined the KPIs – key performance indicators – by which the success of the campaigns would be measured. Our primary focus was on generating leads, specifically situations where a person clicks through from the ad to the company’s website and submits an inquiry form.

The results were almost immediate. Year-over-year, the number of visitors who clicked through to the website from ads increased by 3,075%. Since the campaigns were launched, Facebook alone generated 72 leads. The Google campaigns also showed very strong results.

In short, new prospects started flowing to the website, many of whom became clients. Moreover, a significant number of these clients entered into long-term partnerships with the company, further increasing the value of these leads. These types of clients are also ideal for subsequent remarketing efforts. This confirmed that the campaigns were targeting a relevant audience, which is absolutely crucial in this context.



Animace vylepšení webu společnosti MARKY sport: notebook s měnícím se obsahem obrazovky.

Along with the campaigns, we also focused our attention on the company’s website. During the preliminary analysis, we discovered several issues that were unnecessarily reducing the site’s attractiveness to search engines and pushing it down in search results. The main problems were duplicate titles and headers. We immediately began changing them to ensure that each one was unique and SEO-friendly, optimized for search engines.

This was closely tied to the keyword analysis of the website, which initially didn’t perform well either. Many products lacked relevant keywords that people typically use to search, while others had poorly chosen terms. We restructured the site’s content to make it not only more readable for customers but also better recognized by search engines. This approach proved successful as well. Year-over-year statistics showed a 300% improvement in search performance on the site, confirming once again that quality content significantly impacts search rankings.

We also made certain changes to the site’s design. We identified several areas that might discourage potential clients from making a purchase due to their complexity. We quickly addressed and fixed these issues.

Finally, we turned our attention to product photos. Some images appeared to have been taken hastily, with inconsistent backgrounds or in less-than-ideal settings. We suggested that the client re-photograph these products to create a unified look across the entire catalog. After mutual agreement, the client decided to handle the new photos themselves. We only ensured that the new images were indeed usable and of high quality.



Grafické znázornění e-mailingu: pošta směřující do schránky.

Since MARKY Sport had never focused on email marketing before, we decided to develop this aspect of their marketing mix as well. Sales campaigns, in particular, have significant potential here. Given that sports apparel has a certain lifespan, it makes sense to target existing customers with offers for new models, especially in the context of remarketing. The timing can be ideally aligned with periods when the manufacturer knows that the original items are beginning to wear out. Additionally, the company aims to engage clients with offers for sports accessories, such as towels or bags.

common success

Mutual collaboration, built on trust and close communication, delivered results every day. MARKY Sport consistently saw an increase in orders, with many existing customers returning repeatedly in addition to the influx of new ones.

Although we are no longer working with this client, we fondly remember the work we accomplished together. This case further confirmed that the best results come from a comprehensive, thoughtful marketing approach based on data and analysis. We are very pleased that, with our help, the company began to grow and expanded its customer base.

Adam Janák, Owner of MARKY Sport

Collaboration with Four Bros has propelled our company forward by a significant leap, not only in terms of online marketing but also in expanding into new markets and overall brand direction. I particularly appreciate the approach and professionalism of all team members, their willingness to solve problems, and, of course, the high quality of the work delivered. I can confidently recommend Four Bros to anyone looking to elevate their business to the next level.