
Covid Spot

Painless PCR and Antigen Testing for COVID-19 in Brno

case study

Increased Detection of COVID-19 Cases through Online Advertising Campaigns

We successfully tripled the conversion rate
93 %
Testing site capacity is quite busy at 93%
Fourfold increase in testing sites in Brno and the surrounding area

their story

their goal

our solution


From the outset, we were impressed by the plans that Martin presented to us and the overall philosophy of Covid Spot. The services offered by the company made a lot of sense to us. As a result, we quickly finalized the details of our collaboration. Importantly, we agreed from the start that this would be a time-limited cooperation for one year. After the necessary preparations, we began our work in January 2022.




From the very beginning of our collaboration, we agreed to focus primarily on PPC campaigns and social ads, with the main goal of generating leads. In simple terms, this involves a situation where a person clicks through from an ad to the website and then registers for testing. These campaigns can deliver the best results, but much depends on their proper setup.

In this case, we began with the necessary preparations. We identified all the USPs (Unique Selling Points) that we could communicate in the campaigns. We also carefully analyzed all the relevant keywords that people searched for in relation to testing and that could yield good results for us. Additionally, we prepared profiles on Facebook and Instagram, including converting the Facebook account from a personal profile to a business profile.

We calculated and set up all the KPIs and implemented tracking. Although these steps are fundamental and essential for effective online marketing, we still encounter many companies that overlook them.



Ilustrovacý výstražný trojúhelník symbolizující náročnost správy sociálních sítí pro Covid Spot.

Managing social ads campaigns on Facebook proved to be particularly challenging in this case. The platform is extremely sensitive to any topics related to healthcare or health in general. Therefore, the wording and appearance of the banners had to be chosen with exceptional care. We had to think through every single word because Facebook penalizes any rule violations with immediate ad blocking, or worse, account suspension. We wanted to avoid this at all costs, so we proceeded with extreme caution to ensure that we didn’t violate any rules.

Over time, managing social media campaigns became increasingly demanding. We had to adjust them frequently due to changes in government regulations. For example, PCR tests became free only with a doctor’s referral, necessitating changes primarily in the ad copy. Additionally, as the number of infections fluctuated, Covid Spot had to add or reduce testing sites accordingly. This required promoting newly established locations while pulling back campaigns for sites that were temporarily closed or permanently shut down.

We also paid considerable attention to managing the comments that began to appear under the campaigns. Given the amount of misinformation circulating during the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to hide a significant number of vulgar or even threatening posts that appeared daily. It’s important to emphasize that our goal was not censorship, but rather maintaining a civil and respectful discussion.




We also focused our attention on Google Ads and Sklik. PPC campaigns on these platforms were delivering good results and complemented our social media ads.

However, our efforts were significantly disrupted by the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. After the war began on February 24, 2022, our previously successful campaigns almost came to a halt. The reason was simple: until then, the COVID-19 pandemic had been the number one social issue, with media coverage being detailed and daily. Overnight, the situation changed completely, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict became the central focus of the entire world.

As a result, interest in testing plummeted to a fraction of its previous levels. We had to significantly scale back the campaigns and transition them into a maintenance phase.



Ilustrace kalendáře se šipkou znázorňující jednoduchý výběr termínu pro testování u Covid Spot.

Alongside setting up the campaigns, we also focused our attention on the Covid Spot website. Our goal was to ensure the easiest possible path for users to make a testing reservation. We carefully reviewed the entire website, looking for any potential obstacles where users might get stuck or technical issues that could complicate or completely prevent the completion of a reservation. We identified and quickly resolved several minor issues. As a result, registering for testing became quick and very easy for all users. These small adjustments led to a threefold increase in the conversion rate while maintaining the average lead value.




We planned to add extra value to the primary business of testing by educating the public on the topic of COVID-19. To achieve this, we created a series of texts that explained the benefits of the new painless testing method, the differences between antigen and PCR tests, and how to recognize potential symptoms of infection. This initiative helped Covid Spot build an image as a company that not only tests but also provides valuable advice to those seeking information.

common success

Mutual communication and trust brought good results. Despite the significant disruption to our plans caused by the war in Ukraine, we consistently managed to meet the established KPIs for our campaigns. Even during times of peak demand for testing, we were able to fill the capacity of the testing centers at the set cost per lead without exceeding it. Thanks to excellent organization on the client’s side, the centers were able to handle the scheduled appointments without any issues.

Given the aforementioned military conflict and the overall decline of the COVID-19 pandemic, we eventually decided to scale down our collaboration. However, due to the mutual satisfaction with our partnership, we are already working with Martin on new projects that we will be involved in.

We look forward to seeing what our future collaboration will bring.