
PPC Specialist

On board Four Bros, I will take care of managing and appropriately optimizing performance campaigns from the position of a PPC specialist, so that together we can achieve your marketing goals.

About Martin

My journey towards digital marketing wasn’t entirely straightforward. When choosing my field of study, I opted for engineering and, after completing it, I joined a small family business. However, after a few years of working in manufacturing, I began to reconsider my focus and decided to leave both the company and the industry. I knew it was time for a change.

At that time, my ideas about starting my own business naturally led me to everything related to marketing. Hand in hand with this came performance marketing and PPC. This topic intrigued me so much that my original plans were eventually set aside, and I focused solely on digital marketing, in which I then began to educate myself intensively.

This journey led me to the company OKAY, where I was responsible for managing PPC campaigns for the Slovak market. It was an opportunity that introduced me to the workings of an in-house marketing team in a large company and gave me the chance to work with substantial budgets.

When I received the offer from Honza to join Four Bros, I didn’t hesitate for long. I quickly adapted to the new and pleasant environment with a great team.

As for my free time, some of my favorite activities include endurance running. I started running about 10 years ago, and it has now become an indispensable part of my life. Whenever possible, I enjoy exploring new countries with a camera over my shoulder, soaking in the local atmosphere and gastronomy. Besides marketing, I also enjoy reading articles about technology or literature on personal development.

When I received the offer from Honza to join Four Bros, I didn't hesitate for long. I quickly adapted to the new and pleasant environment with a great team.

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