Facebook HR

Facebook, as we all know, is a big part of our lives. But it also affects our working lives, and therefore Facebook becomes an integral part of HR departments and helps companies to find suitable candidates. In this article, we will try to elaborate on how Facebook can help in HR, but also show how harmful it can be. 

The functionality itself to add “Jobs” to Facebook, as Facebook calls it, has been here for almost a year now. It was not available to everyone from the start, but Facebook changed that in April this year when this option was introduced in 40 other countries, including the Czech Republic. It may seem that Facebook is trying to compete with LinkedIn, one of the biggest recruitment agencies.

Facebook has more people than LinkedIn, we all know that, and of course, the environment is more acceptable for many people. Obviously, because everybody has Facebook. We don’t want to say that Facebook will wipe out LinkedIn, but we think that Facebook is very likely to become a really strong competitor. Thanks to Facebook, we are able to connect with companies or their HR managers within one click. The “Jobs” functionality is fully available on the Android platform as well as on iOS and PC. With one click, you can easily see lots of job offers. You can even get notifications about your preferred job offer. 

We can’t guarantee that job ads advertised on Facebook are the future but we can tell you one thing, if you are looking for a new job, Facebook is one of the best places where you can look for one. For example, in America 1 out of 4 people uses Facebook for looking for a new job. And to be honest, it’s a pretty solid number. Facebook might solve the problem of small businesses to find suitable candidates for their positions. 

Nowadays, 45% of HR managers use social networks to check out their future employees. Facebook is used the most often out of all most commonly used social networks, almost 29%. Facebook can be a great servant but a bad master. You should keep in mind that every photo, post, or video which you put on your homepage can destroy your future job. On the other hand, you can easily use your Facebook account to impress the HR manager. That’s why we have to be careful. For example, you shouldn’t upload a photo with an alcoholic drink in your hand when you’re trying to find a job in the Middle East. 🙂

As we mentioned at the beginning, Facebook is an ideal platform for job seekers, but also for HR managers or individual companies. It helps build brand awareness, reveals corporate culture, and helps you figure out why you want to work in a particular company. But it can also tell anyone else everything about you.

And who is one of the best companies using Facebook for HR in the Czech Republic?
I will give you a little hint. Their mascot is a green, annoyingly weird creature from a different world. Yeah, I’m speaking about ALZA. Just take a look at their Facebook profiles, especially the one called WE ARE ALZA.

So, finally, ask yourself, will Facebook become the dominant HR tool? Well, who knows…