

A beautiful hotel with a Sky Bar close to the center of Brno

case study

This Brno hotel gets fully booked, the Sky Bar attracts guests, and conference rooms are often booked weeks in advance.

300 %
300% increase in bookings within two months since campaign launch
62 %
62% increase in time users spent on the site
2 x
a two-fold increase in organic search

their story

their goal

our solution


In order to get to know the hotel and its offer better, we visited the restaurant several times and then washed down the food with a few sips of a good drink. To tell the truth, sitting on a terrace, sipping a mojito, for example, and watching the vibrant city below is highly addictive. We knew right away that this place was definitely worth showing to other people, and we set to work with gusto.




Komunikační pilíře pro Fairhotel: propagace Skybaru, hotelu, konferenčních místností a restaurace

Our cooperation started with the creation of a content strategy for social networks. This can simply be seen as a list of topics that are worth informing about. We divided the strategy into four communication pillars that corresponded to what Kamila and Iva wanted to raise awareness among people: Restaurant, Sky Bar, Conference rooms and Hotel. On these pillars, the content of social networks began to emerge, the management of which we eventually took over.

Above all, we wanted to get more posts on Facebook and Instagram that would promote the restaurant as a place where you can eat well even during the working day, at attractive prices. According to Iva and Kamila, people were afraid to eat in the hotel restaurant because of the fear of a certain exclusivity and the resulting higher prices. A social media campaign featuring the weekly menu every Monday was intended to allay these concerns.

Together with her, we also arranged for the placement of navigation boards directly in front of the hotel and instructed the receptionists who were supposed to welcome the guests and point them in the right direction.



Příspěvky na sociálních sítích následně použité v PPC kampaních.

Posts from the restaurant were regularly supplemented with content related to the Sky Bar and the hotel in general, and if necessary, we also included news. We have successfully invited guests to, for example, St. Martin’s goose dinner or events held in the bar. We consider regularity and consistency to be one of the cornerstones without which social networks cannot be well managed, and good content also served as a basis for launching performance campaigns.

Quality photos and videos are also an integral part of the content. With colleagues from HotCat Production, we arranged three photo shoots and filming. This resulted in very attractive photos of the restaurant’s new menu, which directly encourages guests to visit, or beautiful photos of fireworks, as they can be observed directly from the terrace.

The materials were a hit with audiences on Facebook and Instagram, and can be reused in the future. We also recommended the FAIRHOTEL to rephotograph the wellness center, sauna, and breakfast to unify the graphic image.



Grafické znázornění e-mailingu: dopis vyčuhující z obálky.



We have also improved e-mailing. We worked out a schedule for what to send and when, tweaked the email template and explained how to work with this tool as efficiently as possible.

The website has also undergone changes under our leadership. We helped edit the texts to make them more attractive not only for readers, but also for search engines, we also added new and high-quality photos. The site has been greatly enhanced by this and now represents the hotel in a truly dignified manner, exactly as it deserves.



Grafické znázornění upravených klíčových slov: výraz Fairhotel pod lupou.

Along with that, we worked on advertising campaigns on Google and Seznam. We adjusted their keywords to better match what people are searching for. The setting of KPIs, according to which the success of campaigns can be evaluated, also underwent a change.

Supplementing ads with the so-called extensions, which make them more attractive to search engines which display them better later on, has proven to be extremely effective. These extensions include, for example, interesting graphics or links.

Together with the web developer, we also edited the landing pages directly on the hotel’s website, to which users clicked through the advertisements. We worked on their attractiveness and informational value and simplified the process of booking. Thanks to this, booking a hotel room or a conference room is easier and faster now.

Let’s add that the contents of social networks and campaigns were coordinated with each other, so that the communication towards the audience was uniform and clear.



Znázornění úspěchů reklam: lepší organické vyhledávání, více rezervací a nárůst doby strávené na webu

We quickly realized that we were doing the right thing. In a short period of time, the organic traffic of the hotel website doubled, within two months since the campaign launch, the number of reservations increased by more than 300%. The amount of time users spent on the website also increased by 62%.

The ad was clearly aimed at relevant, interested people who, after clicking on the hotel website, viewed the pages in a greater detail instead of leaving them after a few seconds. Also, according to the manager, the number of guests coming to the restaurant for the lunch menu has visibly increased, as has the number of dinner reservations.

Facebook campaigns also proved to be a hit. Thanks to them, we managed to book the Sky Bar for private events for all weekends in the season. In their case, too, it proved to be an important new creative that managed to attract a large number of people interested.



Znázornění školení pro personál Fairotelu, jak spravovat sociální sítě Facebook a Instagram.

After consultations on how to proceed further, Kamila and Iva expressed a desire to take the management of social networks back into their own hands. We taught them how to create the best Facebook and Instagram posts.

For example, we explained to them what the above-mentioned pillars of communication are, what essentials a good Facebook post should have, or how best to take a good photo that will complement quality content. Our colleagues at HotCat Productions helped us with the last point.

common success

Kamila Rousová, CEO, FAIRHOTEL

I highly value the collaboration with the Fourbros team, led by Mr. Olšák. They are true professionals in their field. We are extremely grateful for their valuable advice, tips, and recommendations, and we can only further recommend their services.