
Fantasy Kindergarten

case study

Thanks to online campaigns, the kindergarten completely filled its capacity before the deadline and overcame the covid crisis

leads in three months of running the campaign
meetings with parents who found us online
100 %
capacity filled and targets met

their story

their goal

our solution


Starting online marketing

Graf znázorňující rostoucí počet přihlášených dětí do MŠ Fantazie po spuštění kampaní.

We registered a growing number of potential applicants already during the first weeks.

Screen upraveného přihlašovacího formuláře do MŠ Fantazie.

We helped to redesign the contact form on the nursery website. Thanks to this, more users contacted the nursery operator.


English translation of the website


Training for nursery staff and management

Znázornění činností, které agentura Four Bros pro MŠ Fantzii dělala.


Ongoing client support

common success

In the end, the joint effort paid off in full. The nursery filled 100% of all available places before the closing date. The school performed similarly well in 2021, overcoming the covid crisis. Our collaboration continues and we also continue to focus on social media campaigns. However, we already have time to plan and prepare them in advance, so their launch tends to be quieter.