
PPC Specialist

At Four Bros, I am responsible for managing performance campaigns, where I always strive to set the right course and embark on the journey with you toward the same goal. If you decide to sail with us into the waters of advertising and utilize campaigns on Google or Seznam, you will likely encounter me or one of my colleagues.

About Dani

I first encountered marketing in high school, but at that time, I didn’t realize that I might actually enjoy working in it. As a result, I wandered off the path to my dream job more than once, but eventually, I found the right direction.

After high school, I went through several jobs. During that time, I began studying at university remotely, which motivated me to kickstart a career in public administration. My journey first led me to the court and then to the city office, where I handled administrative offense proceedings. I quickly realized that this definitely wasn’t the work that fulfilled me. I decided to steer my life in a different direction—towards something I truly enjoy—and it worked out!

Thanks to completing various courses in marketing, advertising, and graphic design, I got the opportunity to manage social media for several successful cosmetic brands. The world of performance marketing opened up to me when I joined the Seznam team. There, I developed my skills in campaign management as an Sklik Specialist. I gained experience with Google campaigns while working for one of the largest online retailers of perfumes and cosmetics in Europe. In that role, I was responsible for campaigns in several European countries.

When I learned about Four Bros, I was attracted by their friendly approach and comprehensive view of marketing. The moment Honza called me, I knew I wanted to be part of their crew.

When I’m not immersed in creating and optimizing campaigns, I spend my free time with my four-legged companion, ideally somewhere in nature. I love traveling and collecting new experiences. Anyone who knows me knows that I never turn down a trip. There’s nothing better than discovering new places and learning about new cultures. I try to capture all of this through photography, which is a big passion of mine. It’s my escape from everyday reality and a way to share the world around me with others.

She decided to steer her life in a different direction – towards something she truly enjoys – and it worked out!

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