Do you feel like your marketing isn’t working as it should? Are you frustrated that you don’t have a clear understanding of where your money is going and whether the results align with your investments? Are you wondering if your campaigns could actually be more effective? I’m here for you.
About Jan

At Four Bros, I found what I had been looking for—a place where I can fully realize my potential and apply my experience in financial auditing and sales while helping like-minded people advance themselves and their businesses. All of this in a great team of people from whom I can learn something new every day.
In our agency, I am responsible for the business side of strategic partnerships. I often get involved in companies at the request of CEOs and operations directors who are frustrated because they lack a clear understanding of where their financial and human resources are being allocated in marketing and what the actual outcomes of these processes should be. As a result, they lose control.
These resources are often put into activities that are not only poorly thought out but typically lack clear metrics and goals by which the real benefits of these activities could be evaluated.
Because effective time and capital management is crucial for the development of any company, our primary goal in the first phase is to deeply understand your business—from the product and target audience to internal processes. A key part of our work is also reviewing your business strategy. Only after thoroughly exploring it do we start creating a marketing strategy that closely aligns with it, forming a single functional entity that also respects your cost and organizational structure. There is no universal solution. The chosen media mix must always correspond to your specific needs and goals. For each activity, we define KPIs (objectives) and assess the overall complexity of implementation, including associated risks. Only then does the actual execution come into play, which relies on ongoing evaluation of each activity and subsequent optimization.
Don’t waste time and money on marketing activities that don’t respect the specifics of your company and aren’t based on the needs of your specific target audience. Book a video call with me, and let’s find a solution together that will move you and your company forward. However, it’s also possible that together we’ll discover that online marketing isn’t the best channel for you. In that case, we’ll look for another path you can take.
And what am I like outside of work? I enjoy activities that help me relax and keep a clear mind. Some of my favorite hobbies include diving, clay pigeon shooting, ski touring, via ferratas, golf, and making coffee. I’m happy when I have the opportunity to meet inspiring people through these activities and enrich each other with new perspectives. Write to me, and let’s meet offline too!